Green Star/ CAC and CACIB system under the Irish Kennel Club and F.C.I. explained.


Baby Puppy Age between 4 and 6 months Club Breed Shows

Puppy Age between 6 and 12 months

Junior Age between 9 and 18 months

Intermediate Age between 15 and 24 months

Open Age over 15 months

Veteran Age over 8 years

A Green Star (CAC) will be awarded to any dog or bitch that has finished first in its class and has also achieved an Excellent Grade from the judge, a Reserve Green Star can be awarded to the Dog or the bitch that is placed second in the challenge behind the Green Star Winner.

Winners of the dog and bitch Green Stars compete for Best of Breed and the winner of that will compete in the Group Challenge and if successful can then go on to compete for Best in Show.

 A CACIB is an International Certificate awarded to all dogs from the winners of the Intermediate, Open and Champion Classes who have achieved an Excellent Grading, a Reserve CACIB will also be awarded.

Junior Diploma Can be achieved by an exhibit aged between 6 and 18 months.

Junior Champion can be achieved by an exhibit who is graded excellent and wins 5 Junior Classes at Championship Shows.

Irish Champion can be achieved by an exhibit winning 7 Green Stars under 7 different judges at IKC run Championship Shows with the last of the Green Stars being awarded when the exhibit is over 15 months old.

International Champion can be achieved by an exhibit that is placed 1st in the dog or bitch challenge at an International IKC run Championship Show, the exhibit need 4 CACIB's under 4 different judges and in a period of over 1 year and 1 day.